Some adventures start years before you even know there’s an adventure to be had. This one started in 2013 when a casting agent found this blog and sent me an email about being on HGTV’s House Hunter’s International. To say I was goofy excited is an understatement. I had been a huge fan of the show ever before going international ourselves, and the possibility of being on it was as exciting as getting the keys to a vineyard. At the time, we had lived in the Dominican Republic for 2 full years and though we were looking for a new apartment, HHI was looking for people new to their international destination. Ultimately, it didn’t work out.
Last year (4 years after that), we found ourselves at a heartbreaking crossroads. We had made the decision to leave the Dominican Republic and move to Mexico. In the midst of resolving those emotions, I remembered that email from years before. I knew it was as long shot, but I held my breath and sent her an email.
Mail Delivery Failure
Damn it! She was no longer at that email.
But because I’m not one to usually leave things alone, I googled the casting agent’s name and the production company she worked for all those years before. “Research” really. It sounds a bit stalkerish now (and in hindsight, was probably a little stalkerish) but I couldn’t just let the opportunity go, could I? I found her on Facebook, and while now this was really a long shot so many years alter, I held my breath and sent that message.

Turns out she remembered me (and didn’t think I was a total nut job)! She didn’t work with that company anymore (hence the undeliverable email) but was still friends with someone who did. My new contact responded a couple of days later (holy sh*t!). We were still living in DR though, and would be for the next 8 months, so there wasn’t much to discuss. She told me to keep in touch about our ETA to Mexico.
When moving to Guadalajara got closer, we had our first interview. From there we were sent a questionnaire and made a preliminary video of our family to pitch for production. Then, another interview. Finally, the casting agent we were working with told us the good news, “they loved you guys.” And just like that we were going to be on House Hunter’s International.
The next phase led us to Cynthia, our producer. She walked us through everything and answered all of my questions — and I tend to have a lot of questions. Emails turned into WhatsApp messages that quickly turned into witty banter. Cynthia and I are now friends. And I love her. Because she’s awesome. And if I got nothing else from this experience (which I did), my new friend would have been enough.
Husband and I could hardly believe it. Before making our move to the Dominican Republic, we had seen this show an excessive amount and now we were going to be on it?! Like WTF?! This is insane. But it was also full circle and felt like yet another sign that we were – and continue to be – on the right path for our family.
After all of the planning and interviews, questionnaires, scheduling, and preparation — we were ready to start filming. The crew was heart-emoji eyes 😍 — loved them. They were professional and efficient and kind and friendly. Santiago had a nickname for the camera man (Mr. Glub / Glubby), who he then nicknamed himself after (Glubby Jr.). Alex, our sound guy, still has the bunny picture that Rafa drew for him. Our kids talk about Ried, the director, whenever we walk on Chapultepec, remembering the tianguis where he bought them something. And Santi still remembers that Chuy (pronounced chewy), our master fixer of all things, was a strong guy.
Filming was intense. We had a babysitter to help with the kids. The kids came when they were shooting, otherwise we were gone for most of the shooting days — sun up to sun down. The days, themselves, were long and the mornings were early but I’d do it all over again.
It was another experience for our family. Another thing we’ll look back on and smile at, laugh because of, and reminisce about. I love living abroad — emphatically and whole-heartedly — for so many reasons. But mostly, I love it for the opportunities it provides to strengthen who our family is and who we are becoming. Husband and I knew, when we moved abroad 7 years ago and I was 7 months pregnant, that this was a big leap. We also knew that it would make our family, our little nuclear unit, stronger because of it.
In this life, so many things change: location, houses, schools, friends. Nothing is constant.
Nothing but us.
Check out our episode of House Hunter’s International tomorrow, Tuesday, may 1 at 10:30 EST and keep your fingers crossed that I don’t look like that annoying person who complains over wall paint. 😉
P.S. These episodes of Husband’s Cocktails and what I want to be remembered for. How about you?
Drinking the Whole Bottle
Mi AMOR!!!! Hi. I haven’t gotten anything! I wonder if it was going to my spam folder. I hope you’re doing well though I’m SURE you are. I saw pictures of you on Ms. Gifford’s page on the Chicago trip. Miss you mucho and I’ll email you right now. Such a coincidence that you saw the episode around the same time as writing me.
Gaby Gonzalez
Hi Ms.Legra, it’s Gaby Gonzalez. I’ve been trying to reach you. If you see this please email me at:
It’ll be nice to talk again.
Also, I got to see this episode, Mariale Caceres sent it to me literally an hour before I opened your blog, such a coincidence.
Hope to hear from you both soon!
Drinking the Whole Bottle
First, thank you, Janice! We feel fortunate to be able to make these choices and live this life. It was scary in the beginning but I think anything new is scary. My hope is that people can read what I write or follow our adventure and see that it is possible to live the life you want by making choices in that direction. I’m also soooooo grateful to work from home because like you said — it goes so fast. I already can’t believe our “babies” are 5 and 6! And I’m so sorry about your daughter. I can’t imagine the pain you feel and I can’t imagine anything worse. It really is so important to love fully and laugh loudly and take advantage of every happy moment we have. Thanks for reading and following along but mostly for sharing your thoughts with me.
Janice Meli Stemmer
Hi I just love the life you and your family have chosen !!! So many people toscared to do something like you guys … I would love that life … think the kids are so fortunate !!! Love following you … and you are so real !!! Love it and watched kiddies grow and getting so big … I enjoyed keeg and my other two but and I was home still went so fast … Keegan 31 grandson graduating high school how did this all happen ??? My son in law is great he has taken the boys a lot of places such a learning experience … we are moving downsizing house to big stairs neither one can do …ever since lost our daughter things have never the same … sometimes life takes turns where you never thought you would be … but we have each other and has made us stronger … just pray a lot !!! So enjoy following you … you are like a breath of fresh air !!!! Love ❤️ to all 😘