Behind the Scenes: Unpacking Expat Homes

Houses say a lot about us so it’s no wonder that we get an avalanche of expat housing questions when people find out we live abroad.  How do you find a place? Do you rent or buy? Is it expensive? How do you know where to live? Is it safe? What do you do about furniture? But what piques their interest most is what it’s like to live in a home that will be temporary. I’ve noticed people have certain ideas about what it must be like to live in a fleeting home, a “not forever” home and how strange it must be to always be moving around.

So I started this series for a couple reasons. The first is to show people that expat homes don’t always feel transient; that though temporary, they can still feel lived in and intimate. The second is because — straight up — I’m nosy. (Don’t pretend you’re not; I can’t be the only snooper here.) I like seeing how other people live. But mostly, I like getting inspiration from other people’s design and decor ideas and maybe steal a few for myself.

Are you curious? Take a peek. I won’t tell…