Stop the Crazy: 4 Quick Ways to Feel Less Overwhelm

January 21, 2022

As a mom and high achieving woman, I think I can carry it all, do it all, fix it all. Is that you too?

Well guess what? YOU CAN’T. Even if you actually tried, you could not physically, mentally, and emotionally do it all. And if you somehow managed to, you’re probably close to a break down.

So how about as a collective sisterhood, we stop.

It’s ok if that permission slip didn’t get signed right away.
It’s ok if you make the same damn meals a few weeks in a row.
It’s ok if you didn’t make that appointment today. You can make it tomorrow.
I love that you worry about the one cough you heard your kid make last night, but you don’t need to Google ‘Whooping Cough’ just yet.

You can’t fix the state of the whole world from your bed but you can take small steps to do better for yourself so that you have the clear mind and able body to do more of the things you want—in turn, making the world, and your little corner of it, a better place.



Seems simple but how often do you actually stop and take a breath when your thoughts are spiraling. Try the Square Breath. Breath in for 4 seconds, hold for 4, breathe out 4, and hold again for 4. Then repeat for a minute. One minute! That’s all it takes.


We give up so much of ourselves for others but come back to you and what you love to do will help you remember who you were before the kids, the house, the work and it’ll remind you that there was life before the busy-ness. Do you love to dance? Take a class. Garden? Spend some time outside. Write? Open a fresh page and let the words flow. Doing little things that remind you of who you are and what you love can go a long way.


Look, I love wine as much as anyone (maybe more) but I also know that I need to take care of this one body I have. I’ve started to walk a mile every day. If I don’t feel like walking, I find a 15 minute yoga video on YouTube. I think more consciously about what I eat and start every morning with a shake full of berries, fiber, gut health, protein, and greens. It makes a big difference in how I feel every day—more clear, more energetic, and less bloated. And it takes less than 5 minutes a day! Find out more here.


Another simple yet often put off suggestion. Reading has the ability to transport us, to teach us, to expand our minds, to educate us. The most successful people read in abundance every single day. And yet, how many of us only crack open a book at bedtime only to fall asleep a page and half later. I’m not suggesting you stop reading in bed but if you tend to fall asleep while you’re reading (which is a great way total asleep), find 15 minutes each day (when you won’t fall asleep) to read. Bonus…reading at the same time everyday will help form a consistent routine.

So what quick thing can you do today to make space for yourself and lessen the overwhelm? Let me know in the comments. 

P.S. 4 Tips For Adding Celebration to Every Day

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